
Monday, August 3, 2020




Anything that is known to have mass and occupies space is called MATTER. This means everything around us is matter,which can either be SOLID, LIQUID or GAS(the physical states of matter).

The scientific study of the structure, composition, properties, the reactive characteristics and uses of matter is called chemistry.

   The reactive characteristics of matter is the ways in which different forms of matter combine with each other.

We study chemistry in order to understand the world around us,thus chemistry is the study of everything around us.
Through the process of science,a study is conducted on a particular matter, series of observations are made about such matter which may have a pattern and this often lead to a problem to be solved.

A reasonable or proposed explanation or an "educated guess" called HYPOTHESIS,is put forward to explain the observations made earlier.This hypothesis can change as it is not yet tested to be true.

 When experiments are made to test the hypothesis,and is found to be correct based on a body of facts that have been repeatedly confirmed through observations and experiments,within the limits of available evidence,the hypothesis becomes a THEORY. 

A Scientific theory is a comprehensive explanation of an important part of nature supported by facts gathered over time and repeatedly confirmed through observations and experiments.Theories are no longer guesses but reliable accounts of the real world.They are proven explanations on observations about something.

  A SCIENTIFIC LAW or PRINCIPLE is then established when the theory has been extensively tested and proven to be true without any exception.

A Scientific law refers to rules for how a particular aspect of nature will behave under certain conditions.This is mostly written as an equation.

The difference between a Scientific theory and a scientific law is that theories explains the reasons for our observations while laws describes what happens.

If the experiments does not support the hypothesis,it is either modified or a new one is produced.
This process of studying a problem in science is called the    








These are some of the various uses of chemistry:

 1) food supply:

 The production of fertilizers such  as urea, calcium,sodium nitrate,etc , pesticides and insecticides has helped to increase the production and protection of food crops from pests greatly.


2) Contribution to improved health and sanitation facilities:

through the production of life-saving drugs such as analgesics, antibiotics, tranquilizers, antiseptic, disinfects, anaesthetics and insecticides.

3) clothing:

textile fibres are produced as a result of intensive chemical research.

4)provisions of explosives has helped in military and space science.

5)In building and construction:

Materials such as steel, cement,concrete, bricks, etc,are essential chemical products in building.

6)In transport and communication:

Petrol, diesel or coal are essential chemical products used in transportation.

7) production of nuclear energy 

8) chemistry has helped in the development and growth of industries like glass,cement, paper, textile, leather,dye, petroleum industries,sugar, plastics and pharmaceutical industries,etc.



1) pollution by chemical wastes from factories,oil refines and animal life.

2)rusting of iron:this is the slow deterioration from iron to iron(III) oxide in the presence of water and oxygen in air.

3)Drug abuse:drugs like heroin, cocaine and morphine are addictive.

Hope you understand?

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