
Friday, September 25, 2020

Kinetic theory of matter

The theory has been put in forward to explain the force between molecules and the energy the molecules theory of matter are

Here are the basic prostulated theory of matter.

(i) *Matter in all its forms ( solid, liquid and gas) is composed of tiny particules*

The Kinetic Theory of Matter states that matter is composed of a large number of small particles—individual atoms or molecules—that are in constant motion. This theory is also called the Kinetic-Molecular Theory of Matter.

By making some simple assumptions, such as the idea that matter is made of widely spaced particles in constant motion, the theory helps to explain the behavior of matter.

Matter consists of small particles

The first assumption in this theory is that matter consists of a large number a very small particles—either individual atoms or molecules.

All matter (solid, liquid, and gas) is made up of tiny particles called atoms, or atoms that are joined to form molecules.

(2) *When the molecules collide with each other there is no loss of energy*

The ability to collide over each other's differs from state to the other.

The next assumption is concerned with the distance apart of the particles.

In a gas, the separation between particles is very large compared to their size, such that there are no attractive or repulsive forces between the molecules. Hence, the particles collide more with each other or with the wall of their container

In a liquid, the particles are still far apart, but now they are close enough that attractive forces confined the material to the shape of its container. The particles in liquid state moves freely and do collide less compare to gas particles.

Whe in a solid, the particles are so close that the forces of attraction confined the material to a specific shape. The collision is less compare to liquid.

Particles are in constant motion

Another assumption is that each particle is in constant motion.

Note: The closer the particles the greater their attractive force while how separate they are determines their collisions 

(3) *They possess kinetic energy*

In gases, the movement of the particles is assumed to be random and free.

In liquids, the movement is somewhat constrained by the volume of the liquid.

In solids, the motion of the particles is severely constrained to a small area, in order for the solid to maintain its shape.

The velocity of each particle determines its kinetic energy. There is an exchange or transfer of energy between particles—both atoms and molecules—during a collision between them.

The magnitude of the kinetic energy are in three state of matter. That's the the kinetic energy needed

Solid paricles > liquid particles > gas particles

Terms used in explaining kinetic theory.

It's illustrate by some natural phenomenon. Which are :

a. *Brownian motion movement*: is a rapid and Zig-zag motion caused by collision between tiny/ minute particles of water. E.g. Smoke from a chimney, colloidal particles in water and a particles of pollen in water ( examined by ultra-microscope). Brownian only occur  in liquid and gas state.

b. *Diffusion*: is the movement of molecules of a substance from one point of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration. For instance, if a perfume is sprayed in one corner of a room, it molecules will move to all part of the room within a short time. What simply occurred is known as  DIFFUSION. Diffusion also occur in liquid but at a slower rate compare to gas. It's hardly occur in solid at a low temperature but it becomes appreciable at higher temperature.

c. *Effusion*: is the movement of molecules of gas particles through a tiny orifice into an evacuation chamber.

d *Osmosis*:  It the movement of solution ( solvent + solute) from a region of lower concentration to a region of higher concentration through a semi- permeable membrane.

e. *Dissolution*: is the intimate mixing of the particles of the molecules of solid of solute to that of its solvent.

F.  *Sublimation*: is the change of a substance in solid state to gas state directly without passing through the liquid state by heat. When heated the when arranged molecules of the solid overcome the cohesive forces and becomes rapidly and randomly, hence, change into gas state.

g.  *Evaporation*: It the stead change of a liquid to its vapour. For this to occur the particles of liquid my occasionally, acquire kinetic energy of the molecules. Hence, over comes the attractive forces at the liquid surface and escape from the cohesive forces at the liquid surface into the vapour phase.


The Kinetic Theory of Matter states that matter is composed of a large number of small particles that are in constant motion. It also assumes that particles are small and widely separated. They collide and exchange energy. The theory helps explain the flow or transfer of heat and the relationship between pressure, temperature and volume properties of gases.

See introduction to chemistry

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